Kamis, 17 Oktober 2024


Day 01`Lembah Anai waterfall - Information and Documentation Center of Minangkabau cultural - Traditional weaving and wood curving of Pandai Sikek village (L,D)

Day 03- Kelok Sembilan (9) fly over - Pagaruyung Kings Palace - Lake Singkarak - Bukittinggi (L,D)

Day 03 Bukittinggi City tour ( Sianok Canyon, Jam Gadang, Pasar atas) - Puncak Lawang and Embun Pagi - Kelok 44 - Bukittinggi /Padang (L,D)

Day 04 Padang -Airport 
Free program until transfered to the airport 

Email : trendtravelindonesia@gmail.com
WhatsApp: +6285272901174


7h/6m Overland Trip Sumbar Aceh Nol Km
Day 01
Berangkat pagi hari menuju Medan via Parapat Danau Toba.
Sarapan pagi di Parapat
Day 02
Perjalanan dilanjutkan menuju Medan via Berastag dan diperkirakan siang nya sampai di Medan.
Setelah rehat makan siang perjalanan dilanjutkan menuju Banda Aceh. Dan diperkirakan sampai pagi  esok harinya
Day 03 
City tour Banda Aceh.
Musium Tsunami. PLTD apung, Sholat di Masjid Raya Baiturrahman, Pantai Lhok Nga daerah yang terparah dilanda tsumam 2004 lalu, rumah Cit Nyak Dhien.
Sorenya menginap di hotel Banda Aceh 
Day 04
Pagi pagi Setelah sarapan menuju pelabuhan penyebrangan untuk menyebrangke Pulau Weh.
Mengunjungi MONUMEN NOL KILOMETER. dan menyebrang ke pulau Rubiah. 
Sorennya menuju kota Sabang dan menginap di Hotel 
Day 05 
Setelah sarapan menuju pelabuhan Sabang untuk kembali kedaratan Sumatera. 
Perjalanan diteruskan ke Medan.
Diperkirakan sampaii di Medan pag esok harinya
Day 06
Medan City tour. Mengunjungi Istana Maimun dam masjid Raya Medan
Belanda oleh oleh. 
Sorenya menuju kota Pekanbaru via Rantau Parapat dan Tol Dumai. 
Perkirakan sampai pagi.
Day 07
Pekanbaru City tour beli oleh oleh dan menuju pulang ke Sumbar
Haraga Rp 1.950.000/pax/Minimal 25 pax
Harga sudah termasuk 
Tour Leader/Lokal Guide
Mineral water 
Penginapan 1 malam di Banda Aceh 1 malam di Sabang 2 orang sekamar
Sarapan pagi di Penginapan 
Makan siang 2 kali 
Makan malam 2 kali
Tiket objek wisata
Tiket Ferry penyebrangan ke Sabang
Transport di Sabang
Boat ke pulau Rubiah
Makan di jalan dan keperluan pribadi 
Penambahan extra bed 
Email : trendtravelindonesia@gmail.com
WhatsApp: +6285272901174

Phil +6281363499626

Mesjid Tuo Kayu Jao

Masjid Nurul Islam Koto Kayu Jao adalah salah satu maajid tertua di Indoneaia yang terletak di Jorong Kayu Jao, Nagari Batang Barus Solok Sumatera Barat 

Masjid Tuo Kayu Jao juga merupakan salah satu cagar budaya di Sumatra Barat yang diawasi oleh

Masjid ini telah beberapa kali mengalami pemugaran, seperti pemugaran salah satu tiang dan penggantian atap ijuk yang lama dengan yang baru karena telah lapuk. Meskipun telah beberapa kali dipugar, keaslian masjid ini masih tetap dipertahankan. Namun dalam pemugaran terakhir, warna masjid ini yang sebelumnya putih diganti menjadi coklat kehitaman.

Saat ini selain digunakan untuk aktivitas ibadah, masjid satu lantai ini juga digunakan sebagai sarana pendidikan agama bagi masyarakat, bahkan telah menjadi salah satu daya tarik wisata terkenal di Sumatra Barat terutama di Kabupaten Solok.

Email : trendtravelindonesia@gmail.com
WhatsApp: +6285272901174

1n/1 d Climbing Marapi Volcano

Climbing Marapi Volcano @ Night 
-Leaving hotel to Koto baru at 11 PM
-Start to hike to the summit ..
-We will arrive at the summit when the sun is rising..
-Taking very spectacular pictures around the crater....
-Coming back down to hotel .
Price: 750.000,00/pax
Minimum 2 pax
Email : trendtravelindonesia@gmail.com
WhatsApp: +6285272901174

TREND INDONESIA TOUR Hidden Paradise in West Sumatera

There's a hidden paradise in West Sumatera that only take 2 hours driving by car from  Minangkabau  International Airport to reach this place and you just need a couple minutes to get the paradise..
Are you wondering??
Let join me.!!
Email : trendtravelindonesia@gmail.com
WhatsApp: +6285272901174
Info and reservation 
@ Phil +6281363499626


Silek or silat is a traditional martial art origin of minangkabau..
It has  very  beautiful movements like a cat or tiger  (harimau is tiger )
Usually every Minangkabau  youth must practice this martial art before they are going to abroad or migrate. The young Man of Minangkabau  people have a tradition to go abroad to look for their fortune before marriage..
We are ready to train you anytime you want 
You will be trained for 1 week until you proficient avoidance and locking the attack by weapon 
Training every day for 3 hours 
Price 7.000.000
Price include 
Email : trendtravelindonesia@gmail.com
WhatsApp: +6285272901174

5 D/3 N Kerinci Volcano Trek

5 d/4 n Kerinci Volcano 
Day 01
( Take the morning flight)
Pick up airport transfer to Kersik Tuo and stop over along the road to Kerinci to see and visit local activities (twin lake, or danau diatas dan danau dibawah-visit Telun berasap water fall)
Check in Guest House 
Day 02 
Transfer to the slope of gunung Kerinci to start the trek to the Shelter 3 ( 3000m)
Day 03
After breakfast, keep Trekking to the summit ( 3.805m)
Coming back to Guest House 

Day 04
Transfer to Padang
Enjoy the view along the way to Padang or Bukittinggi 
Check in hotel 

Day 05
Free Program 
or City tour-shopping around Bukittingi or Padang. 
Transfer to Padang Airport ( take the morning  flight )

Price  1.950.000/pax
Participant Minimum 4 pax

Price include
Room Hotel 2** 
Guest Houes  Kerinci

Price Exclude
Trekking to the Mountain

Trekking price IDR 2.000.000/pax
include :
Sleeping bag 
Guide and Porter 
Lunch 1 ×
Dinner  1×
Breakfast 1×

Personal need 
Torch light


4d/3n4d/3n Trend Indonesia Travel

Day 01 International Airport
Minangkabau - Bukittinggi
You will be picked up at the airport and the journey begins by heading to the Anai Valley nature reserve area with its waterfall.  Then the journey continues to the city of Padang Panjang, a small town with cool air, to visit the Minangkabau Cultural Information and Documentation Center.
Lunch at a local restaurant.
After that, the journey will continue to the village which is famous for its traditional songket woven craft, Pandai Sikek and its carvings and embroidery.
In the afternoon arrive in Bukittinggi and check in hotel.  (lunch-dinner)

Day 02 Bukittinggi - Harau Valley - Pagaruyung - Bukitinggi

After breakfast at the hotel, drive to Harau Valley, a valley with steep cliffs and cliffs as height 150 to 200 meters with several waterfalls in the rainy season.
Then the journey is continued to kelok 9 fly over with stunning views of the Bukit Barisan Mountains.
Go to a local restaurant and have lunch.  After lunch, the next trip is to Tabek Patah village to visit the traditional food craft industry which produces various kinds of local traditional foods and drinks in the style of West Sumatra such as young beatle nut juice and so on.
The journey continues to Batusangkar and Pagaruyung and visit Pagaruyung Palace.
Return to Bukittinggi through the village on the slopes of the Marapi mountains with views of rice fields along the way.  (B,L,D)

Day 03 Maninjau Lake - Bukitinggi City tour
After breakfast at the hotel, drive to the Landia River Panorama, and enjoy the panorama while
Enjoy a traditional body-warming drink, namely sorbate or also known as bandrek.
The journey continues to the top of Lawang by first seeing the process of making brown sugar with raw materials from sugar cane and still use the traditional way of producing it.
Puncak Lawang with spectacular views of Lake Maninjau from an altitude of 1200 m above sea level.
Lunch at a local restaurant.
The journey continues to Padang and stay in Padang

Day 04 Padang City Tour

The journey to the stone Malin Kundang the Son of Disobedience through the bridge Siti Nurbaya, a virgin who was forced to be married by Datuk Maringgih. China Town, Padang beach
Transfer to the airport.
Tour is over and see you

Price IDR 4.200,000.00/pax
Minimum 2 pax

Price include
-Hotels 4**** ( 2 person in the room)

-meal according to schedule
-Breakfast at the hotel
-Lunch and dinner at local restaurants
-Entrance fee
-Tourist Bus
-Tour Guide
Price Exclude 
-Extra bed 

Email : trendtravelindonesia@gmail.com
WhatsApp: +6285272901174

One Day Minagkabau Culture Tour

Pick up to your hotel
leaving to Tabek Patah to visit Kinniko Home Industry that process coffee beans tobe coffee powder, lawa daun traditional drinks and some specific more of  traditional snacks of Minagkabau 

Situmbak Village
Keep driving to The very traditional village that's called Situmbak. 
we explore this are and possible to visit a house that's still use for leaving family
Sungai Tarab
Take a break and time for having delicious culinary of Minagkabau 

We drive through the small town that's called Batusangkar.  It's the capital of Tanah Datar Regency
Pagaruyung Kings Palace 
Keep driving for 10 menit to visit the great Traditional House of Minagkabau. It's replica of the Royal Palace of Pagaruyung kingdom that was burned in 1804 during the Civil War